Whether you are a MIC, a private lender with a substantial portfolio or a first time lender cutting your teeth the hard way, our lawyers and staff treat our clients equally pursuing your mortgage enforcement matter expediently and proactively, with a stream-lined process, that will protect your interests, financial investment and business’ reputation.
We leverage our knowledge in real-estate law and mortgages to deliver a wide range of services related to the enforcement of outstanding, unpaid or unenforced mortgages.
We offer fixed legal fees on standard mortgage enforcement transactions. These fees are normally recouped on the sale of the property. If you are seeking legal advice and would like to speak with one of our experienced lawyers, contact our team at Rabideau Law today and schedule your free consultation.
Mortgage Enforcement Solutions
Our streamlined mortgage enforcement solutions aim to reduce turn-around times, minimize costs and administrative burden while navigating the complex mortgage enforcement laws and the power of sale process.
We leverage licensed lawyers’ knowledge in real-estate law and mortgages to employ an all encompassing integrated solution with carriage of the enforcement matter.